Monday, 26 March 2012

The Unspoken Language of Authenticity

To choose clothes, either in a store or at home, is to define and describe ourselves. ~ Alison Lurie

Today's chapter reiterates about how the conversation you begin with the outside world is dictated by what you are wearing. I tend to dress conservatively and consistently. I constantly wear black pants. Black flared pants, black tapered pants, black stretchy pants, black striped pants. I'm pretty sure that's not my authentic self, but we can't wear blue jeans to work. It's quite different when you wear flared jeans, tapered jeans, stretchy jeans or striped jeans. I do have several drawers of those jeans, but few fit me and all my favourites I gave away because I was sure I would never fit into them again. I have ended up being that size again... but only for a short while. The pounds always pack on and it's back to black again. Well now it's back to the gym. It's been over 6 months since I quit smoking and it's time to get off the couch and get on the tread mill. Or elliptical in my case. As soon as I finish painting the bathroom...yeah, that's the ticket.

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