Monday 19 March 2012

Repose of the Soul

Speak softly and carry a big stick. Forget the stick (and no, not hockey stick either) Speak softly, listen attentively, look everyone in the eye and lavish love on everyone you meet. You'll feel different at the end of the day.

I so need to find that tranquility. My GM greeted me this morning as he passed by my office door after I had already been at work for near a half hour. I was busy rushing to find information on my computer as I acknowledged him but it was just "Hey Casey". I didn't even raise my head or turn to look at him. Within moments I regretted my actions. I wasn't just preoccupied, I was just rude. Being genuinely interested in others is compelling and Sarah encourages us to be that kind of woman. The problem is, I know I don't fully engage on a daily basis. I have apologized to several coworkers already to say "I'm sorry I continue to multitask rather than give you my full attention". I also need to apologize for constantly interrupting. Sometimes every conversation is not a conversation. Sometimes you need to listen, more than talk. I must learn/practice to be more gracious.

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