Thursday 22 March 2012

Why Self-Confidence Can't be bought but can be borrowed

If you need to be confident but don't feel it, then just pretend it because upon acting it, you will become it. It's all about borrowing a bit of moxie from your authentic self.

I remember going to a toast master meeting for the first time in my early 20's in Moose Jaw. It had been several years since I stood on a stage. Usually it was to play an instrument in the concert band with the occasional nerve wracking solo or in the high school play with a terrifying soliloquy. I don't remember the subject but it must have been about me, because they say when you speak about what you know best, you speak the best. Although I was nervous, I did well and was encouraged to return. I really don't think people want to hear me always talking about me (actually, I know they don't since listeners will actually call or email to tell me if I go on too much about me on the radio.) I need to find things that I am passionate about that people can relate to and are interested in. It's very difficult to sit alone in a room talking to nobody yet everybody. When I worked at the college radio station in Victoria after my first year taking Applied Communication, I questioned whether this was the right career path for someone who was so social and loved to interact... okay talk. Yeah, I found my calling. Although it doesn't come naturally, it's hard work to make it sound so easy. One instructor said "It's like talking to your best friend while your mother's in the room." I broke that rule once. Boy did I get in trouble.

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