Saturday, 17 March 2012

Accentuating the Positive

If one is a greyhound, why try to look like a Pekinese? ~Dame Edith Sitwell

Apparently Dame Edith was a homely child and was miserable until she discovered poetry and music and in doing so fell in love with her authentic self. She became famous for her flamboyant sense of style. Oh how can I relate to that. The homely child that is. I certainly wasn't one of the popular kids at school. I blamed it on my father, a teacher and the vice principal in charge of discipline, but it was pretty much the glasses, bucked teeth, braces, acne and skinny teenager that I was, who tried too hard. I hated my glasses. When ever I dressed up and felt like Cinderella, then I would have to put my glasses on and turned into one of the ugly step sisters. Thankfully years later another fairy tale came true. Thankfully glasses are now a fashion accessory and The Ugly duckling now feels like a beautiful swan. :)

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