Sunday, 11 March 2012

You Are Not Your Appearance, but Does the Rest of the World Know That?

The tragedy of our time is that we are so eye centered, so appearance besotted ~ Jessamyn West

Gee, yesterday it was all about presenting ourselves better and today it's about NOT having to be "pulled together" every single moment. Just as long as you don't beat yourself up for not being perfect and let your inner beauty shine which in turn will transform the outer.

March 11

Sending and Receiving Personal Signals

If you will resolve to work each day for self-realization, your whole world can change...The two women you are, they can make you over. ~POND'S COLD CREAM ADVERTISEMENT, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, December 1947

Dang this woman can't make up her mind. Now we are back to caring about the way we look! Since the inside is reflected on the outside, if you're not feeling wonderful on the inside, you won't make the effort for your outside to match. If you feel wonderful on the inside, you will make the effort to look wonderful on the outside. The path of personal transformation may start inside, but can go both ways too. She quoted another Pond's Cold Cream ad from the 40's but my favourite saying is from the 70's and my take on a Wonder Bra Commercial. When I'm looking good, I feel good, and when I feel good I look SOUND great!

1975 Wonderbra Commercial

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