Wednesday 14 March 2012

Loving yourself into wholeness

Tonight I sit in chestermere with friends who love me wholly, flaws and all, just as I love them. Why is it that we cannot love ourselves the same way? On the outside we have it all together, portray we are bold and strong when in reality we feel fragile & frightened. At times like those, is the time to pamper yourself and treat yourself to a simple indulgence and pleasure. I remember a time when the kids were small I felt I was the be all and end all to everyone else but me. It took a long time to learn you can't look after anyone else unless you look after yourself first. So do it. Say no to everyone else's demands and say yes to you. You deserve it. Tonight I deserve it too. So I will indulge myself in buying beautiful red bottle of rum. Redrum to be exact. This might be a dangerous start to our vacation, but thankfully I only had two drinks and left the pretty bottle for next visit to the Beierbachs. Time to head to bed & rest up for the flight to Vegas in the morning. I love my life :)

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