Of all the assigned tasks so far, the creative excursions, hope chest, toy box & comfort drawer, discovery journal etc, they all lay undone. What is so difficult? They are such little things to do for yourself. You should treat yourself better if you want your life to come together. Today's task is to make a list of ten nice things you could do for yourself and select just one and do it.
As I lay in the back of Monika & Ed's toy Hauler outside of Parker Arizona, listening to the coyotes on the nearby golf course yip & howl and probably chasing after a rabbit, I can think of all ten things I did nice for me today. From sleeping in 15 minutes this morning, not rushing through breakfast Lana prepared, treating myself to a glass of wine for lunch, watching a chick flick during the flight (The Descendants) and the list goes on. But then again, being on vacation it's easy to indulge in lots of things. The challenge is squeezing time in for yourself on workdays, weekdays and days that end in Y!
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