Tuesday, 6 March 2012

March 6

Creating a Toy Box

Respect the power of play and the importance of fun! You're supposed to find another wicker basket or fabric covered box and be sure it has a lid, because what goes in is your business and your business only. Or not if you do want to share but it is important to get down to the business of play and fill your toy box with what ever you want. Go on an excursion to the dollar store and fill it with what ever tickles your fancy. Find things that will remind you to lighten up and take time to set aside seriousness and have some fun.

I have a hand made wooden toy box that was in my childhood home. I was the only sister that wanted it after we moved out and I feel lucky to have it but it's actually sitting in storage in the woodworking shed behind the house. It is still filled with all the Disney VHS movies my kids grew up on. I still have a VHS player so there is no need to sell any movies but I am going to have to bring the toy box back into the house. Not to be my toy box but for the 3 year old granddaughter when she comes to visit. I can see us cuddled on the couch under a hand made blanket watching Beauty & The Beast, Aladdin or Snow White. And of course The Sound of Music. I first saw the movie at the Avalon Theatre when I was a kid and it's been my number one favourite ever since. I will have to introduce Monroe to the movie when she is old enough to appreciate it. That could actually be already! I was 5 when the movie premiered and I still watch it when it airs on TV every year. I absolutely love it! Why do you think I play the guitar and never became a nun!

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