Sunday 14 April 2013

When You Hunger and Thirst

"The body must be nourished, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We're spiritually starved in this culture - not underfed but undernourished" ~ Carol Hornig

This chapter, Sarah writes about swallowing life in order to manage it, literally. Emotional eating. I actually don't think I do that. For me, it's pure boredom that pushes me to the junk food cupboard. (which no longer exists I might add. More on purging the kitchen and "The 17 Day Diet" book by Dr. Mike Moreno later) What people hunger and thirst for is not food or drink but an attempt to fill an emptiness in search of inner peace and a deeper connection.

Is there any coincidence that alcohol is called spirits? Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung considered alcoholism a sacred disease. M. Scott Peck wrote "perhaps alcoholism was a spiritual disorder or better yet, a spiritual condition." The next time you reach for something to fill that emotional or spiritual void, she wants you thing think again and focus. What you are really reaching for? What are you really nurturing? Do you thirst joy and serenity as she does? If you are anxious, walk it off, if you are stressed, take a long bath. Ask your authentic self to reveal your deeper needs.

PS - Anyone notice the date on this post compared to the last? It's been exactly one year plus and day since I last posted. So much for blogging every day! So much for reading every page cover to cover of Sarah Ban Breathnach's book, Simple Abundance in one year! Oh well. Rather than beat myself up for not achieving that goal, I'm going to hit the restart button, keep going and just do the best I can. A lot has happened over the past year, from being unemployed for the last 8 months to being offered a new job just 2 days ago. So forget the past and let's leave it right where it belongs, in the past. Time to move forward, onward and upward to new heights and new beginnings!

"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them -- every day begin the task anew." Saint Francis de Sales

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