Wednesday 24 April 2013

A Taste For Living

Did you know that tastes buds wear out and you have less now than when you were a child? When they wear out they do regenerate but just not as much as when you were younger. Today we are to find new ways to increase the pleasure of taste and even though I had a bland salad for lunch, (which my GM so kindly special ordered :) it was perked up by the tart taste of balsamic vinegar. Sarah suggests hunting out ethnic food stores to try out and clean out your spice drawer of duplicates and make way for fresh new exotic spices to reawaken your sense of taste.

Perfect timing since I last trip to the grocery store I bought a cute new spice rack for the countertop to fill with the excess spices bought in bulk and still in ziploc bags. I have a spice drawer AND a spicy lazy susan in the cupboard and now the spice rack, so that's probably triple what I need, so I think tonight I will clean the cupboard out while watching (listening) to American Idol and then search the net for recipes with any spice I want to use up. Bon Appetit! (please ignore the ugly 90's kitchen tiles, another project for another day...month...or year)

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