Thursday 18 April 2013

The Face in the Looking Glass

"The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy" ~ Yves Saint Laurent

It sure makes sense to me to enhance your passion for life, for yourself, by using tools that make you feel better, especially since I've just spent the last 9 months pretty much in my pyjamas and on the couch, makeup-less.

Some people think it's silly that I put on makeup to go to work when no one can see me on the radio. It reminds me of the old Wonder Bra Commercial.

when i'm looking good i feel good

and when i feel good i look great
and great is how i want to look
cause when i like what i see i enjoy being me
we care about the woman you are
wonderful wonderful wonder bra

In my case, If I look good, I feel good. If I feel good, I'll SOUND great!

As I get older, time is wearing on the canvas I "paint" everyday. Sunspots, not age spots and laugh lines, not wrinkles, are a part of my life now, no escaping it, but I'm not going to fight it tooth and nail all the way, just use a little makeup tool to mask my flaws, not mask the real me. Dove has a new campaign and the video is going viral and some people are very upset that it features only thin, blond, blue eyed women. Yes, there are others, but only for 10 seconds or less. Pretty subjective as to what beautiful is. Thankfully beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and what their opinion shouldn't count. Tall or short, thin or not, black, brown or white, it's more important how you feel about yourself, and your inner beauty is far more important, outer is only what people see first and it's up to you to show them what's inside.

Younger friends of mine have already got laser eye surgery, eyeliner tattoo and even Botox. I was tempted about the eye surgery but prefer to take my glasses off to read rather than put on a pair. I'm too chicken to get my eyelids tattooed. (ouch) and I hate needles too much to try Botox. An eyelid lift could tempt me but for now, IPL treatments at Sante Medi-Spa and skin care products from Meaningful Beauty will have to do. It makes my skin feel smooth, soft and young, which in turn, makes me feel beautiful, one step closer to loving the skin I'm in!

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