The first thing that comes to mind for most people is the 1992 movie starring Al Pacino, a remake of the 1974 Italian film about student who takes a job to assist a blind, medically retired Army officer. For me, it reminds me of an over scented woman. It's pretty bad when you are in a small public space and someone's personal scent invades your space, be it lack of personal hygiene or an over scented woman (or man). You can google all about how much is too much and how much is enough. A little dab'll do ya people! Your presence is enough to fill the room, there is no need to fill it with, no matter how lovely the scent, enough potency to make our eyes water! Please? lol
We each have our own distinctive personal aroma and perfume can smell different on different people. I remember when I was younger I wore Channel #5 but when I became pregnant, it smelled like mosquito spray on me. Just the other day, my friend Lisa admired the scent I was wearing which was one she had tried but didn't like and gave it to me. I get lots of compliments when I wear Perry Ellis' "f". Smells great on me, not so great on her. (And I just ran out!) Sarah explains, it's a combination of one's diet, health, hygiene and hormones that effect your personal scent that will effect perfume or cologne on everyone differently. Each person's home has a distinctive smell as well. What you've recently cooked or products you've recently used to clean are major contributors as well as house pets, children, flowers and more.
Since smells spur memories, without scent it would be like amnesia. Sarah wants us to enjoy the simple pleasure of your sense of smell and go out to discover new smells, from going to a chinese restaurant, a used book store, a department store perfume counter or a flower shop. Take a walk in a garden, the woods, a farmers market etc. to inhale the world around us. "God instructed Moses to build an altar of fragrance and to burn sweet incense when he prayed. Today when you inhale something wonderful, offer a prayer of thanksgiving for this marvellous gift."
The Stuph File Program - Episode #0203
Welcome to the latest edition of the *Stuph File Program*.
For a program list of the items included and all their accompanying links
in this one hour show,...
11 years ago
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