"Whenever I feel like exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes" ~ Robert Maynard Hutchins
Oh how true it is with me and how how bad it is to be. It is not self-nurturing but how does one convince the brain otherwise? New Year's resolutions have long fallen by the wayside. I don't go to the gym anymore and even though there is an elliptical in the house, it's hidden away in another room. Out of sight. Out of mind. That needs to change. I can't wait to get back to work to be active. Walking is what I love to do most (wish I hadn't traded the tread mill for the elliptical) Sarah says not to refer to the activity as exercise or fitness, but creative movement. No need for gyms, weights, jogging or classes. Imagine all the ways that bring you joy. Dancing, golfing, swimming, yoga or Tai Chi and WALKING! Deep breathing, stretching, meditation and more! New ways to move and and move on.
I will need to force myself not work through my lunch break so walking it will be! One change I have done is started counting calories with the Calorie Count App on my phone, lap top and iPad. There is no excuse not to log in what goes in. Like the TV show "Til Debt Do Us Part" where Gail Vaz-Oxlade makes you accountable for every penny you spend going out, I make myself accountable for everything that goes in my body. You are what you eat right? I now eat way better than I have in years, starting each day with a pro biotic and fruit, green tea with each meal and my version of Dr' Oz's Green drink every day. (1 cup spinach, 1//2 English cucumber, 3 stalks celery, 1 apple, 1 orange. Chop and mix in a a blender) 200 calories of goodness! I feel better as I sit and write beside the window with the curtains wide open, revealing the falling snow, but I still don't feel like exercising. Hello? Did Old Man Winter not get the memo from Mother Nature that it's Spring? I am a fair weather walker (fair weather EVERYTHING) and it's so not fair the weather is awful! But being Southeastern Alberta, this won't last long and the forecast says it will be back to above zero by Wednesday and +10C by the weekend. I can't believe we were riding motorcycles last Tuesday and golfed 9 holes (with no power cart!) in Foremost last Saturday! A bit brisk, but nothing like a brisk walk to make you feel great!

PS - Today was a great show of those who love to exercise by running in the Boston Marathon but a horrific end for so many. Prayers for all who are touched by today's explosions. My mind is shocked, my heart is heavy, and my soul is forever touched.