Saturday, 30 June 2007


march 14 - 2007

just wondering if you are superstitious and if you are - what is it? for me it's black cats, among other things - i am driving into work today on the number 3 highway and at the 120 turnoff - i see this black cat making a b-line for the road - now my first reaction is to brake - even tho i know i am not supposed to brake for animals on the highway - but i'm thinkin - if i speed up - i'm not exactly going to miss it - and it wouldn't be very nice to make someone elses cat go splat - so i brake - and watch it whiz across the road in front of me - what i am to do? - how does one undo a bad luck omen? so when i get to work - i did what i usually do - i googled it - and in wikepedia it says: "A superstition is the irrational belief that future events are influenced by specific behaviors, without having a causal relationship." yet - it goes on to point out that - "When a black cat crosses the path you need to take, something will happen if you cross the line where cat passed. To "undo" - you either have to wait for someone who didn't know about the black cat to cross the path or think of another route." well, i guess i could have just taken the 120 - but at 100 klicks - what did i do? -flipped the cat the bird.

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