ever have one of those days that starts out good and then goes from bad to worse? yesterday i had an appointment right after hosting my favourite show - solid gold sunday - but i needed to stop at my house in town first. after checking on my daughter’s dog, i decided to do her (’liz’ not ‘izzy’) a favour and return her recycling. after gathering the empties, and climbing over the baby gate that keeps izzy upstairs where she can do the least amount of damage (grrr - puppies) i fumble with a several other loads and lock the door, load up the car, get in …. and…. and….. no keys. now i don’t keep a key hidden on the property because i think that’s unsafe - so i have just locked not only the house keys inside the house, but the car keys too and the SPARE! - now I’ve had enter my house from the balcony before - in broad daylight - in full view of neighbours and onlookers - twice in the last 6 months but guess what? - after nagging liz to secure the balcony doors before she leaves the house - she finally does it! which is a good thing! but me without money (a normal thing) - i’m unable to call a cab and get the keys from her at work. so i call a friend to get them and run them up to me - but that will take time - and it’s getting close to game time and i can’t even listen to our tigers play in the final game of the memorial cup on the car radio!! so i may as well be productive - i may as well mow the lawn - even though i’m not really dressed for mowing the lawn. Remember that scene from desperate houswives when Eva Longoria mows the lawn in an evening gown and heels to cover the fact that she is having a fling with the gardener? well, that was how i felt - minus the fling and the evening gown mind you - just the high heels. the only thing worse that could happen was it would have started to rain - and then i hear thunder - could it get any worse? but i finish the lawn before the storm and head out to the farm to watch the tigers (as hard as it is for me without bob ridley making the call) so then - it does go from bad to worse - i have to watch them them lose - but you know wha

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