Thursday 12 April 2012

Learn to Love and Honour Your Body

This will be a touch chapter. Good thing its' a short one. And an easy one. Make peace with your body. Simple as that. Yeah right. Just like most woman I know, I am forever struggling and never succeeding to lose that last 10 pounds, which has turned into 20 since quitting smoking September 21st of last year (yay me). What woman is truly happy and can accept their flaw filled body? Positive body image is very important and for me only successful when I can camouflage it's flaws with fashion! (yay me) But most importantly you must nourish your body with healthy food and pure water, which other than way too much red wine, I only drink water. No pop, Koolaid, iced tea, Lattes or coffee. Green tea or iced water and as much as my downfall is sweet potato fries or Miss Vicki's potato chips, I try to limit myself to once a weekly treat only.

Even after a few unsuccessful temper tantrums at work to convince staff to stop bringing sugar and fat laden treats (aka garbage) they still continue to leave them in the kitchen for everyone to share. Yes, it's just my will power to say no, but since we are ALL in the same overweight boat, I am thinking about their health too. I guess the weekly Platinum Health and Fitness "Todd's Tips" on the radio must go in one ear and out the other. They either just don't get it or just don't care. BUT I DO! I care about others more than I care about myself. Mom Syndrome at work? Healthy? Not? Talk amongst yourselves. lol

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