Sunday, 1 April 2018

A Day with Auntie Monika

I have been to the farm before with adults, and we've ridden horses, fed cows, and watched my dog roll in manure, but going to a farm with a child is a totally different experience. Easter I spent the day at the farm with the cutest little 7 year old by the name of Aubrey. She wanted to take us to look at the horses and sheep but instead of walking, she says "Let's take the quad." So on we hop, but she has difficulty with reverse, so here I am, first time on a quad and backing it up for her. Then her Auntie Monika and I hop on the back. On the drive down to the barn, she slows down for all the bumps and I think to myself "What a considerate little driver". That was fine on the way there when I was on the seat, but on the way back, when I am hanging off the end in the basket she goes, "Lets hit EVERY Bump on the way back!!! Woo hooo!!" (ow ow ow ow.)

Anyway, we start with the horses and there is this beautiful black stud by the name of Magic, and Auntie Monika is taking pictures when all of a sudden the horse yawns, and in mid picture, it looks like Ed the talking horse, and it even looks like he's laughing. So I say "Of COURSE, of course, I just told him the funny story about how I thought they must have been hungry when they named the other horses in the paddock." I thought they were Crisco and Cream, but their names are really Frisco and Cree. DOH

Next was on to the Sheep, and there was this one cute little lamb, with a tuft of hair on the top of it's head, and I go, HEY, it's a mohawk!! So we all start - Go Tigers! GO Tigers! Go Tigers! (local hockey team) and we decided to name the lamb T-BOW. (local dj who is big into tigers) And THEN we just HAD to go pet Sheep number 20, cuz it just LOVED to be pet and I decided to break out into song and proceeded to teach Aubrey how to yodel. You know how to yodel eh? It's just about 4 seniors on a bench, 3 women and a man. Old Lady, Old Lady, Old Lady, Lou!!!

Well, I break into a Sound of Music number. "One little girl in a pale pink coat heard, Lady oldlady, oldlady hee hoo. She yodelled back to the lonely goat herd, Lady oldlady oldelou." Sheep - Goats, Same diff. So Aubrey is now yodelling to sheep #20 and all the other little sheep are nuzzling up to me because they like to nibble and one has sheep manure on is nose and is proceeding to nuzzle it all over me!!! Ewww, What has this lamb been rolling in?? oh right. Sheep manure. Needless to say, the next time I go to the farm, I am not just going to wear rubber boots but rubber gloves too.

So next we go to visit Aubrey's Pinto Jimmy and after petting all these animals, I have a hair in my mouth but am not about to put my fingers in my mouth after sheep have been rubbing manure on me so I'm trying to spit it out. Aubrey goes, "oh hush and stop complaining." and I say "I am not complaining, I am spitting!" "Well spit then!" she goes "You're on a farm", and I go, "I can't!!! I spit like a girl and don't wanna drool on myself!!" 

By that time I think the manure fumes have gotten to me, and I say, Hey let's do Jimmy's mane in a Mohawk too. Then it turns into the barber of seville bugs bunny style and once again I break into song. "Come into my shop! Lemme shave your mop! LAAAAA DEE DA DA." And there is little Aubrey, skipping along singing. "Come into my shop! Lemme shave your mop!!!! So she TOOK us to her Grandpa's Shop and there was a radio there, that was tuned into the pop station down the hall. So we changed the station to 1270 CHAT so Grandpa could hear Corinne tell the story about her day at the farm with little Aubrey!!

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