Not this month though. An impromptu trip to Edmonton for my nephew and God son's 3rd birthday party turned into more than just that. A Bay City Rollers concert at Stoney Nakoda Resort outside Kaninaskis on Friday, (that was creepy) CFR (Canadian Finals Rodeo) in Edmonton Saturday and his birthday party Sunday.

After staying the night in the Redmond B & B, a beautiful house built in 1913, we headed to Seven Persons for a Grey Cup Party. Never did see my niece Kesley, cheerleader on the Blue Lightning Dance Team for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, but our sales manager did manage to run across her and get his picture taken with her AND bring me back an autographed calendar. I don't follow football at all, but I'm happy to report I do not hold it against him that he's a rider fan... nor did she :)
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