Simon and Chelsey both celebrate birthdays in July and most of July was spent at 40 Mile Lake with family and friends... and dogs. My daughter's dog Izzy, aka Turd, looks very sporty in the neon green life jacket trimmed in grey. Quite the fashion statement but not to be outdone by Brad’s Miniature Pinscher Hot Rod, who rocks it out in neon orange and black! lol. Both dogs love the boat although Hot Rod won't be going out on the tube again after her last dumping. At least she wasn't wearing sunglasses to end up in the bottom of the lake!
Mid month my daughter Liz moved to Edmonton to go to the University of Alberta and I spent the rest of the month at my duplex ripping out baseboards and carpets before redoing the floors... which turned into redoing the kitchen..which turned into redoing the bathroom... etc... you know how it goes. Lot's of hard work in a short time means a need for renewal and thankfully a much needed break was in the form of an 8 hour drive to Manitoba for the Laval Family Reunion. Elgin look out! Lavals are rockin' da house!

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