I finally got the registration signed over and registered my new bike. New to me, the 1985 Yamaha Maxim X 700 sat in a hangar for 12 years and after spending the winter getting refurbished, Monday I got the plate and was ready to ride. The weather however didn't cooperate all week, so finally, Friday night, I rode down the mile of gravel (alone) to the Etzikom and waited for Ray, who got off his bike when he arrived and faux choked me not waiting for him when he had to stop and get his back rest from the shed. So down the Etzikom highway, and no hitting the ditch when I cornered to head to Medicine Hat, my first trip to the big city. I'm so excited.
Since I am not licensed, Ray has to ride behind me at all times, so I get to lead the way. The whole ride down the #3, not a bike on the road for me to salute with the low 5 wave. East onto the 120, North on 13th, stop light at Strachan... stall. I need to get the idle set higher. Stop light at Dunmore... stall (grrrr) Pull in to Dayz Off Pub... not a friend on the patio to see me pull in. I'm so disappointed.
Couldn't stay long since my headlight was burned out, but as we were going to lock it up for the night, it suddenly came on. Just a sticky starter button, so after a couple of O'Douhls and dinner, I get to lead the way to the hotel of my choice. Howard Johnson. Jacuzzi Suite. I'm so spoiled.
The next day we head down the #1 to Dunmore to fill up with gas before going to Burstall. Stop light at Dunmore Rd... stall... but it wouldn't start. I ran out of gas. I'm so embarrassed.
Ray switches it to reserve tank but the gas station is to the left and we're in the right lane so while turning right I spin out on the gravel and end up in the other lane in the path of a truck. omg ... stop light... stall... turn to left... stop. Ray rides my bike to the gas station and i sit and wait. I'm so rattled.
After filling up in Dumore we head north on the 41 and the wind is gusting....REALLY gusting. I stop and ask if this is a good idea for my first solo ride of the year. Ray says I can't be a fair weather rider, even though his sunglasses where blown off his face. I have to lean to the left to keep the bike on the road and I have no feeling in my hands from gripping the handle bars so tight. I pull over at the first rest stop and as much as I try not to, I just start crying. I'm so terrified.
After a short break so I can stop shaking, we continue down the road and then head east to Burstall. Thankfully the wind is at my back the rest of the way there. Ray fills the bikes up and after an O'Douhls served by Blanche at the Burstall Hilton, and we are on our way again. The street sweeper isn't due through until Monday, and there is far too much gravel on the roads for me to practice, so we head to Leader where the streets have been cleaned and the 2 hour rain that morning has dried. I still am stalling at most intersections but after touring the town, we stop at the Leader Inn. Bar hopping is out of the question since it's the only bar in town, so we spend the night. I'm so exhausted.
The next morning, the sun is shining, the wind is calmer and we retrace our route back to the Hat. 65 mph all the way home. I'm so happy. And so is Ray. I made it home safe and didn't give him a heart attack. And I'm not sure that riding is my thing. I miss talking to Ray, taking pictures, enjoying the scenery, heck even resting my head, closing my eyes and taking a nap! I'm so glad I am not taking my bike to Sturgis this summer. I am SO NOT READY!!!
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