I got the biggest compliment ever the other day from a listener (which we call lounge lizards by the way). He asked if i ever worked in calgary because I sure sounded like Charlie Morgan. My first program director that hired me after college to do midnights, gave me her tape to listen to and said i should model myself after her. It may have taken me 10 years but to be put in the same category as one of the best female radio personalities in canada

So every day i try my hardest balance work and life. Weekdays are spent doing a job i absolutely love and am blessed to have. Weeknights are spent with my razor and his two boys when they are home from hockey, snowboarding or hanging with friends. Weekends are spent on the occasional remote broadcast (which i usally spend more money at the client's than i make, but look at the lovely chairs i have flanking the fire place now - thank you Parkers Countrywide.) or at hockey rinks watching derek play on the iron horse hockey hounds midget AA team. Just being with ray doing whatever crosses our path...okay, make that trying to keep up with ray which is a challenge and a half.
Soon, weekends will be spent camping, fishin and riding bikes. This year i will get to ride my 1985 yamaha maxim x 700 that i just got out of the shop. I was a little choked that ray got to ride it before i even did (he took it off the trailer - lol) but yes - i rode in february - and i think it's the only month that ray didn't ride HIS harley since he bought it march of 08, but he did ride A bike! i don't think i will be ready to ride on my own to sturgis this summer, but

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