Every year I declutter and purge more and more items collected over the years, trying to simplify life. In doing so, I ran across my college entrance essay from 1996. I forget what the exact questions were, but here were my answers.
1. The Media has always been a large part of my life. Music, Museums and the Arts were strongly emphasized during childhood. Television and Radio were a constant factor, yet taken for granted. Now, as my children are growing up, I enjoy introducing them to a variety of music and encourage reading and watching educational television. I am able to influence their choices and communicate my own tastes. What excites me most about a career in the media is that I will be able to express this appreciation on a larger scale. I will be able to relay my opinions and preferences to the general public. I will continue to educate and enlighten myself and those around me.
2. The Applied Communication Program is a general studies program which enables students to obtain a wide range of knowledge and skills in all aspects of media; photography, print, audio and video.
3. As a mature student, I feel the past 15 years have been leading me to my career choice today. I have held many leadership roles in various organizations across the country. I sat on the board of directors of the Lake font Ladies Activity Centre in Dartmouth Nova Scotia. I was also an aerobics instructor and headed a committee that designed playgrounds and canvassed for new equipment. As a member of the Catholic Women's League of Canada, I helped host the Annual National Convention for the Military Ordinariate in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba where I assisted in designing the handbook and was Director of Music for the 3 day convention. In Bangor Maine, I was the Publicity Chairman of the Over The Horizon Backscatter Wives Club, Secretary of the Rookie Bowling League at Heritage Lanes, and Coordinator of the Mothers Support Group at Saint Mary's Parish. There I was also a member of the Music Ministry and a Parish Cantor. Music is my main passion. I sing and play guitar, flute and piano. I was in the musical My Fair Lady, produced by the Acadia Repertory Company as a fund raiser for the Bangor YWCA. A year of study at the University of Winnipeg included drama and theatre. All past activities, incorporated, have readied me to embark on a new journey in the media field and I am looking forward to returning to school.
4. My philosophy for getting along with others; acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness. When ideas conflict, it is usually personality differences that create friction. Every person has their flaws and you cannot change them. You must accept them as they are, tolerate their idiosyncrasies and forgive them should they do you wrong. I feel I am open minded and willing to listen to ideas and how others feel. I do not hold grudges or brew anger. It is unproductive and a waste of energy.
5. The past 15 years have been focused on raising a family. Although I have worked outside the home in various jobs, it was never necessary. I have numerous outside interests and keep busy in the local community. As my husband is soon able to retire, I would like to focus on a specific career and reach a concrete goal for further financial security. Extra-curricular activities will have to be decreased and as the children become more independent, so do I, enabling me to fulfill the commitments of being a full-time student.
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