we found out last week that you don't need a learners licence to drive a motorcycle with another licenced rider, your class 5 licence was good enough, so friday after work, ray gave me my first lessons on his daughter chelsey's honda 750 custom. after a few tours up and down the etzikom highway, yesterday was my first solo trip. i rode her bike the mile of gravel to the paved road, and went to the number 3 highway, pulling over just before the turn off. we stopped to get more pointers, especially about me being scared to give it a little more gas from the get go. after all was said and done, i stalled out and lost balance and the bike went over and my legs were still not strong enough to reset it upright, so over it went, not completely, just on it's extra stand and engine guard, but i still was not able to set it straight, big ol ray on his 1200 lb bike had to lift the 800 lb honda back up. no damage (that's what i worry most about is damaging chelsey's bike). so off we started again, and came to the number 3. my first 90 degree left turn, after waiting for all traffic to pass, i started off, and oops, didn't lean into the corner, and instead of grabbing the break or clutch, i gave it more gas, and went straight into the ditch. ray's going turn turn TURN in his head, and all of a sudden i disappeared, down into the ditch. but you know what? i didn't panic. i just kept going. thank goodness for dirt bike riding over the past 2 summers, i just avoided obstacles (like road signs and rocks) and guided the bike back along the edge of the ditch at an angle that would take my back up to the road. i made it safely and just kept going. we filled up in bow island, rode to the burdett bar and laughed and laughed and laughed. ray had tears running down his cheeks from laughing so hard. then we stopped in at the bow island tavern on the way home, and told the story to the patrons, and they laughed and laughed. they asked what ray was thinking and ray said his heart can't take stuff like that any more. i wondered what the semi driver that had just come over the hill. probably saw it thought - stupid bitch! ray has a hat from daytona beach that just has the initials DB on the front, and we have always joke it was dumb bastard when he wore it, and dumb bitch when i did. now there is a new saying. DITCH BITCH! i don't think i will live this down for a while, but i am proud of myself for not DITCHING the bike, and held my cool the entire experience. can't wait for the next ride. will practice on cornering first!
1 comment:
LOL it sounds like all you do need is a little practice. The mental image of you trying to turn corners is pretty funny though LOL
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