Saturday, 28 July 2007

hatters are the best

last night while i was manning the chat booth - well, actually i left ray manning the booth - i was wandering around in search of the lost and found - which is bye the way - at the stampede office in the kinplex - well, let me just say how impressed i am with hatters - 3 wallets lost at the stampede grounds yesterday and all 3 wallets returned to their rightfull owners all in tack - nothing missing - it was great - here i am with no wallet - mines always empty so i just keep coin in my pockets and i get to the dole booth across from the stampede office - smoothies are 3 dollars and 75 cents - i only have 3-10 - and i'm standing there with my station nametag on and justin hersh sees me and says corinne bolt - from chat and yes it's me - not the girl who paid 200 dollars for a pair of jeans - that's another story for later but anyhoo - he introduces himself and can you believe the nerve? not of him, but of me - i ask if he can lend me 65 cents - well he does and since he works for the stampede in maintenance, i know for sure that i will see him once again when i am there tonight and i will pay him back with interest - thanks so much justin - made my night! hatters are the best!

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