Thursday, 23 November 2017

ADHD pros & cons

For the past 2 days I was SUPPOSED to be mudding & prepping a bedroom to be repainted by yesterday rather than going through 20 years of Tax documents that need to get shredded and reorganizing an office. A new kingsize bed arrives today and I have to move the master bedroom bed into the unrepainted messy spare room. Sooo, the old bed won’t get reset up BUT our bed will & THEN I will tackle prepping and repainting the guest room. I started that project this past Saturday but after washing the walls with TSP and rinsing with clean water (first time ever doing that before repainting walls) my arms & back were exhausted so 2 days in bed slowed me down. We stayed home this winter rather than head south with the rest of the Canadian Snowbirds because my pain specialist put another request in and said they would call in 3 to 6 months, back in MAY!!  Still waiting for call from a back surgeon to set a date. Starting and not finishing projects is a struggle for ADHDers. Or starting one thing then moving on to start another without finishing (or cleaning up) the last project. I’m so thankful my Hunny understands and is not concerned about my slow pace or continuous mess.  Procrastination is a part of ADHD too. Having a partner who hates painting leaves it up to me so any complaints from him would be null and void anyway. It sure would be nice to have a painting partner though. I think it’s fun. Others think it’s work. I think it would be more fun & less lonely if I had company. Anyone want to just come & watch? Lol

Another sleepless night (dam you Insomnia) Sleep is so important to recharge, repair and rest the brain. Better get some shut eye or I won’t be able to keep my eyes open trying to patch nail holes before painting. If I paint. Who knows what project I’ll try to tackle tomorrow. It’s not like it’s a major family holiday or anything. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American Friends 🦃 🎉🇺🇸

Learning to Let Go

I just learned one is supposed to go slow when it comes to decluttering but my OCD & ADHD (even though I’m on medication) still kick in. I have spent the last 2 evenings in the living room going though my partner’s outdated tax documents. (6 boxes from 1988-2008) while watching (listening to) Xmas movies on W. Before I knew it, it was 4am (hyper focused) but I got 3 boxes separated into 3 bins. Recycle. Shred. Keep. 

Today I got half way through the final 3 boxes & next thing you know, I’m cleaning the office!!  It was upside down after rearranging bookcases & putting up shelves in the closet to make room for pretty, tidy, wicker boxes. It was not put back in proper order since I needed to condense the 6 boxes of old papers first. I’ll mark it down as a bonus because I’ll have accomplished 2 things in 2 days when I was only planning on accomplishing 1. Sometimes ADHD has it’s benefits. 

Now that I’ve joined the organizing support group on Facebook, I look forward to the guidance & planning that will help me stay focused so I can proceed to declutter in a more organized & efficient pace. Thank goodness for Twitter breaks where I saw Donna Smallin Kuper’s promoted on Twitter. 

Sort of wish I saw it 3 years ago when I started to clean, organize & declutter but apparently moving your stuff from one room to another is not decluttering. You’re just exchanging hot spots. One room clean. Another even messier. You know you have too much stuff when you have to buy more stuff to put your stuff in. I’m not buying anymore bins to hide it all away. When out of sight is out of mind, why keep it if you don’t even use it. Let it go. Let it go. No I don’t want to build a snowman. I want to build a life without clutter.