Years ago when the RV was parked in the Walmart parking lot with the bikes parked behind the 5th Wheel, a couple of women approached and asked if we were headed to Eastend for the Rally In The Valley. We had other plans that weekend but we bought that year's rally t-shirt. This year we decided to attend and talk about a blast. We met lots of new people and had great neighbours next to us in the campground. We won the balloon toss at the bike rodeo and enjoyed great music at the beer gardens and even had time to take in the local dinosaur museum.
The next weekend was the Clearsky Radio camping weekend that I convinced them to have at nearby 40 Mile Park so we could attend since my man was on call, and boy did he get called! 3 times in 24 hours but was still able to grab a few hours sleep and a few hours on the boat as well.
We also spent a weekend at Quonset Days, a fundraiser for ALS and rescued a young lass who lost her purse and cell phone and ended up bunking on the couch for the night and I gave her a ride home the next day. Always mothering someone :)

We also went on several day trips on the bikes with friends who just got new bikes and a toy hauler so we now have our own new motorcycle group.. the Sunflower Gang! lol..Our logo has a lady bug and we plan on getting tattoos to honour our honourary president Lanabana!
One of the 2011 Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede Night Shows was REO Speedwagon. I liked the band before but after seeing them live, LOVE the band now! I have a few new white guitar picks to add to my collection. Walked away a happy camper! After the show we headed to friends in Seven Persons for a 75th birthday party and jammed the night away!

This month we also go a few new kittens, the Jesse named the male RJ (for Rootbeer Junior) so the female I named PJ for the lighter brown on her that looks like the colour of peanut butter, so peanut butter & jelly she is! Though not farm cats any more, I over feed them and they are spoiled deck cats now that want constant attention that I am more than happy to give!