From a birthday dinner to a mini vacation to Radium Hot Springs it was a wonderful May! Mother's Day was spent at a branding party a friend's farm. I have been to one before and saw the branding, and even the culling of semen from a bull...ew...but this was the first time that I was there for the castration and even was involved hands on! Hands on the other end thankfully and left the rest to the experienced. I love animals and have my way with dogs, cats, a few horses I am far from a cow whisperer. I did help reunite a maimed calf with his mama and spent the rest of the day taking pictures and enjoying prairie oysters and beer popsicles on the porch playing with kitten and watching the sunset before riding our bikes back to the Hat!

On the ride home, I had to stop and take pictures because the sky was so gorgeous and it reminded me of my book that sits on my coffee table back home. "If you're not from the prairie..." by David Bouchard & Henry Ripplinger. "If you're not from the prairie, You don't know the sky, You
can't know the sky.....If you're not from the prairie, You
don't know the sky." And that began a string of photos just taken on my iphone that shows just how much I love my prairies too.
don't know the sun."
You've never
heard grass."
don't know our trees."
don't know what's flat."
Cold, snow and me coming to a prairie girl blog real soon!