Thursday night was a quite night of cards in the trailer, and Friday night we all headed down to the Bow Island Tavern to watch the Stanley Cup final game. With several ex Medicine Hat Tigers on the team, it was Go Detroit! Oh well, maybe next year.
Saturday morning it was up early and off to Harley Davidson out side of Medicine Hat for pancakes and sausage and our first card. 2 of Spades was not a great start but maybe for a flush or a run! Then we went fill up in Dunmore before heading down the 120 to Hwy #3. I wanted to hang back from the group so as not to feel too intimidated, but we ended up catching up to the group on the 887.
Onward to Foremost to fill up with gas, and then rather take the Skiff road because of construction, it was up the Foremost Highway past the Spitz Plant (world famous Spitz Plant i might add) and onto the #3 to Taber. Lunch was on at the Oilmans Club and next card, 6 of diamonds. My hand was going down hill fast.
Next stop was Hays via Vauxhall, but we ended up driving down the Hays road or Hays Maze instead. Twisting and winding was all good but not at full speed. I was not about to risk life and limb taking the corners too fast and kept it around 55 Mph. The card pick up was the Hays' campground, so we stopped for a visit and some water and then headed back to Bow Island for the final card at the Blues Club. I forget what the last two were but they weren't worth a nickle so it was back to the trailer to change and then back to the club for supper. Mike's Meats makes the most awesome ribs! We were stuffed and in need of a nap before the live band, but I never made it back at all. My one hour nap turned into 4. After being woken by rowdy friends on their way to the lake (you know who you are) I ended up reading a novel and waiting for Ray to return to the trailer around 1 am.
Sunday it was up early as I had to work at the Parade of Homes in the Hat, and came home to all the kids at the trailer for supper and steak from the Bow Island IGA so tender you could cut it with a plastic knife! Then it was another bike ride to 40 mile to visit Monika and Ed who were just packing up from the weekend and ready to go home, but still stopped long enough to smell the roses, and the wine corks with us! Monday it was back at work and back to the farm after five days of fun on the H.O.G Poker Run. Next year we might have to pull the trailer out a week in advance just t