24 fans might think that as funny, but anyhoo...
It was a slow start to the weekend. Friday after broadcasting my show live from Merle Norman in Medicine Hat Mall for Bras For a Cause, we went to Bourban Street for dinner. I wasn't feeling well so Ray stayed in town to watch hockey with the boys and came home and cleaned and puttered around the house before being in bed before midnight.
I was 3/4 the way home when I found out Ray was already in town...at the Harley Shop! You know what that means... expensive! He was told by his nephew that he could punch a hole in his muffler to get louder pipes, but Shane FORGOT to tell him to punch it only half way. So after punching it ALL the way through and piercing a hole out the end, $880 and a new set of pipes later, Ray's bike is back on the road. His mother always said, "Live and Learn" but I wish she was a dyslexic like me and said "Learn and Live". Either that or "Research first and learn!" A costly lesson, but he loves his new and louder pipes!
Since he was already in the Hat, I ventured on my bike alone to meet him in Seven Persons (first time riding since my dumping) but still didn't make it off the farm without tipping it over and his son Derek having to pick it up for me (farm terrain is so not conducive to street bikes). Soon I was cruising down the highway, feeling free as a bird. No one behind me to stress out, therefore I wasn't stressed out at all. Went to the Boar's Nest first then Monika and I went to Premium Sausage and we all headed out to Irvine for a BBQ. There were a lot of bikes on the road headed to the Hat so when we arrived there was no one else there (was it something we said?) But we had a great time and even better, was the fact that I found my Harley Headwear I had FORGOT there the year before. First time going to Tuesday night Bike Night and I lose my brand new attire! doh! We even went back that night to try to find it in the dark. We went back the next day and looked in the cook house. Nothing. This year, I searched for it on the first bike night and still couldn't find it. Then sitting around the campfire I look over to the tree with the Tasmanian Devil Doll perched in it...someone had slid my headgear on a the branch below the stuffed animal and even though weathered and worn from the elements, not from use, it was there!! I was stunned! But so glad to get it back. Honour among bikers is immense!
After Irvine we stopped in to see Lisa again and then before heading home, we washed my bike. It was noted earlier it was pretty filthy and how could I ride it in such as state! Apparently the dirt must have been holding it together! After the wash, it wouldn't run properly. No,... just got it wet where it shouldn't have and it crapped out on the College overpass. Ray got on and took it down the hill to the Paradise Valley Par 3, and ended up having to push it half way up the hill back. Then he had to push it to the Bohan's who lived down the block. A very frustrating day for both of us, but in the end, a great day with friends who can laugh both with and AT us!

Monday after work, we headed to 40 Mile Park with the boys to help Ed and Monika put in their dock. I met Ray in Bow Island but FORGOT to put my leathers in my car so I couldn't ride to the Park on the back of his bike. Oh well, just means I get to go home via the short cut on the dirt roads in 20 minutes rather than the hour drive home through Bow Island. The wind was calm and the water was warmer (than last weekend but not by much) but I FORGOT to pack extra clothes so I was only able to watch and take pictures from the top of the hill in my heels and dress clothes. (How convenient eh?) 4 hours later, the job was done. Just in time before the wind picked up and a storm looked to be blowing in, so they quickly loaded the boat back onto the trailer and we sat in the warmth of the RV for beans, sausage and pulled pork sandwiches. My stomach became upset shortly after we arrived, but I figured eating something would make it feel better! FORGET that! It just made it worse.
After a rough and painful night, I sit here nauseous (tmi?) and tired and in no mood to finish painting the trim in the hallway. It's Ray's birthday today and instead of having fun celebrating with him, I will be on the couch or in bed for the rest of the day. He did however, like is birthday present I got him that had been sitting on the fireplace mantle tempting him for 4 days. The Harley watch is a big hit! I FORGOT to get him a card. If the first thing to go when you get old is your memory, then I am living proof!