Last weekend we camped in Bow Island and i drove back and forth to work which is no farther driving from the farm. Contruction work slows me down a bit, but once the passing lanes are done, it will be a sweet drive down highway #3. Friday nite was spent socializing with the fellow campers in centennial park, most from Taber and saturday was the poker run, supper at the bow theatre, aka blues club. We never made it back to the dance with the big pink performing, we were too comfy by the campfire, ours and the neigbours until 2 in the morning. then sunday it was into the hat to pick up ray's parents for father's day dinner at ABC restaurant in redcliff. It's really hard to sit at a buffet and not eat EVERYTHING possible, but it is possible to eat and not gain weight. i have been choosing properly and still hover around my goal weight thanks to herbal magic.
pretty much every evening last week was spent building planters for the deck at the farm. the deck extension has been finished for a while, and ray and his son brad just installed garden doors from the master bedroom. I built ALL 4 ALL by myself and they didn't turn out too bad, now just to find the time to sit back and enjoy the deck.

tuesday night rather than ride to irvine, our friends met us at the boars nest in seven persons for dinner (take note that steak night is cancelled for the next two weeks) but we had a small task before settling down for dinner. Our cat josie is on her third batch of kittens, the first going to wanda's farm, the second just went to deb's farm, minus one... just couldn't catch the skittish 'sprite'. so after 3 weeks, finally got her into the cage and dropped her off, that was monday morning... monday night - ray had to go under the house, and found 4 kittens, and they weren't josies... apparently sprite is no longer a kitten, she's a mommy now, so we loaded the little ones into the suitcase that fits on the back of the harley - and they had their first (and last) bike ride... and are now reunited with mother. and josie's latest batch is still waiting to go to monika's farm. thank goodness most of my friends are in need of mousers

by the end of the week, all i wanted to do was relax on the deck - but no dice... friday we went to the blue turtle with the gang from the lounge (seriously, greg dances like elaine from seinfeld) and saw an awesome band out of regina called skavenjah - check out their site at http://www.skavenjah.com/ and saturday after work, we took the fifth wheel to the seven person's 'here comes the sun' dance (i not only handed out the door prizes but won one as well) and after getting to bed around 4 am, ray towed the trailer back to the farm 3 hours later (with me still sleeping in it - it was kinda like trying to sleep on a train)

so much for studying for my bike learners permit, so much for getting housework done, so much for reading or the suduko city hall reporter harve gave me, time for relaxing later but it's more like ray will sleep when he's dead. i got more sleep this weekend than he got in the past week i'm sure.