another busy week for me. ray is quite the social director - friday night we went to the bow island roadhouse to watch a couple of bands - saturday was glow bowling at panorama lanes with friends. did you know there is a bowling alley radio station? complete with live dj, requests and birthday wishes for all across canada and the US - it was cool when they wished the girl in lane 13 in medicine hat a happy birthday!!! after us gals sandbagging the first game - the guys still beat us the second game and just as we were ready to go in for the kill, they forced us to bowl with our left hand for the final game - guess they were afraid we were going to kick their butts so better safe than sorry - i cannot bowl left handed what so ever and have never thrown so many gutter balls in my entire life - it was a blast.
sunday, friends came for dinner and few rousing games of crib (and then we golfed in bow island monday. after golf we drove straight to medicine hat to pick up my new engagement ring. ray had goldpro jewelers redesign mine to match the one i had designed for him so now we are perfectly matched peas in a pod - we celebrated with dinner at sari, a new restaurant downtown so i could check out their tempura fried veggies - yumm - and we toasted our anniversary with tropical drinks - i hung our rings on the straws to take a picture - and oops - they fell in the drinks - so much for our nice clean shiney rings - lol
it was back to work for me on tuesday night after spending the day in the yard - transplanting perennials and getting the decks ready for winter - the fun continuted right through until wednesday - after work we went to kareoke at ralph's. struggling through the bad singers was well worth the wait for the good singers because they were great. louis stappler had visiters from england who sang awesome tunes and i promised to (from left to right) jim, tom and arthur cowley and bill - to post their picture IF they called the station the next day - which they did and now have a souvenir on tape of their visit to medicine hat as well.